On Board Organization: Our Best Tips

Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 2:35PM

Whether you have a family full of young adventurers or are the head of your own fishing crew, you probably find that lots of items make their way onto (and off of) your boat every trip. How can you keep it all clean and organized? Here are a few solutions you can put in place today:


Built in storage

Some of the best on board organization is what’s already built into your boat. First and foremost, take advantage of the built-in cabinetry and other small nooks and crannies below deck—you may be surprised at how well these spaces can take care of your organizational needs!


Pack what you can carry

Another great tip for keeping on board clutter to a minimum: encourage your friends, family and guests to only bring on board what they can hold. Instead of bringing along big tote bags, guests can pack their wallet and phone into their pockets or a small purse to prevent “luggage” pileup below deck. Assure them that you’ll provide everything else they may need!


Waterproof everything

If you’re bringing your phone, keys, wallet, jewelry and other small but important items with you on board, tuck them into a small, waterproof container. You can purchase watertight containers that can be worn around your neck for the easiest mobility and comfort.


Safe document storage

Speaking of water protection, be sure to pack your important documents away in watertight storage boxes. While you want to eliminate as many bulky boxes and storage on board as possible, safe storage for your important documents is something you don’t want to skimp on. Keep a designated container on board for those occasions when you need to store travel information and other papers.


Fishing tackle on the go

If you’re a dedicated fisherman, you likely have a cabinet full of tackle and other fishing supplies in your garage at home—keep the organization up on board by bringing along a designated bag or box for your boat travels.


Magnetic storage

You may feel that you’ve run out of storage space on board… but have you checked the fridge? Attach pliers, screwdrivers and other small tools to your fridge with magnets for easy access without cluttering your deck or living space.


Scale down

Are bulky coolers or toolboxes taking up too much space on your Monterey? Store your food in individual lunchboxes and tools (only the ones you’ll definitely need) in smaller bags or containers to clear up some valuable deck space.


Over-the-edge caddy

If you need a handy way to store fishing tackle, sunglasses, and other on deck necessities, consider slipping an over-the-edge caddy to the edge of your boat. You can also slip caddies like these over deck chairs and other structures.

We hope that, with a few trips and some mindfulness, your on board storage and organization can be better than ever! And of course, please share your own favorite on board organization tips in the comment section below.

On Board Organization: Our Best Tips

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