Happy Halloween: 6 Nautical Costume Ideas
Are you throwing an on-board costume party this Halloween? Or are you simply in need of a crafty, nautical themed costume? This Halloween, you can show off your seafaring spirit in the costumes you and your family wear! And don’t worry—if you’re stumped for ideas, we can help in today’s blog.
Blue and white sailor
An easy, timeless classic when it comes to Halloween: an old-fashioned sailor costume! This traditionally blue and white ensemble only requires a sailor’s cap and coordinating blue and white pieces (so you can even take the homemade route, if you want to). A sailor costume works great at any age and is a clear way to display your love for the open seas.
A famous crew
Are you heading out with family or friends this Halloween? For a group costume idea, draw inspiration from your favorite TV or movie crew. This may mean dressing the group up as buccaneers from Pirates of the Caribbean or the shipwrecked cast of Gilligan’s Island. These costumes are perfect for group outings, and can be as easy (or intricate) as you make them.
The boat itself
For a fun and obvious last minute costume, turn an old cardboard box into a boat! Use scissors to get the shape you want and draw on details—such as your boat’s color scheme or a long sought-after name—and enjoy! Your friends, family and neighbors will love the creative flair… and fortunately, this costume is easier than most to dress up young, finicky trick-or-treaters.
To dress like an easy recognizable pirate, all you will need is a red bandana, eye patch and possibly a friendly shoulder parrot to cap off the look. Like other costumes, a pirate is easy and fun for kids and adults of all ages, so be sure to try it out this Halloween!
Is there a young girl in your family who wishes she could be a mermaid? While she may not be growing a tail any time soon, you can make Halloween extra fun for her by offering help in making (or purchasing) a mermaid tail of her own to wear on Halloween night. (For a beautiful but functional alternative, you may be able to pick up mermaid-shaped skirts from your local apparel store to make walking around, dancing or trick-or-treating at least a little easier.
Ocean creature
Whether you’re a young child or adult, something about the creatures of the deep sea is always so interesting! If you have a favorite fish or aquatic creature, you can dress up like it on your night out (or in) this Halloween. As with other costumes, this idea can be as simple or elaborate as you prefer. Some ideas include painting white stripes on an orange shirt and pants (or dress) to look like a clownfish, or using an umbrella with party streamers to look like a jellyfish “floating” through the water. There’s no rule when it comes to designing a creature costume… get creative!Do you already have a nautical costume in mind for Halloween? Share your plans with us in the comments!

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