We’re Thankful For…
Happy Thanksgiving! In honor of our favorite fall time holiday, we thought we would share just a few of the things we are most thankful for as boaters—and, of course, encourage you to do the same! Read through our ideas and share your own with us in the comments as we celebrate the big day.
Family time and memories
Boating offers an unparalleled level of family time and togetherness—which you probably know by now! Look back at all the memories you’ve made on board, as a child or as the head of a family of your own… even what seemed like simple, routine days on the water turn out to mean a lot.
Thanksgiving on board
If you’re able, celebrating Thanksgiving on the water is a truly fun twist on the traditional holiday routine. If you’ve done this already, you know how enjoyable it can be—and if you haven’t, why not make plans to do so next year?
Boat show deals
There’s nothing like getting the boat of your dreams at a price you love, too. This Thanksgiving, we’re thankful to be able to spend time with other boaters, learn a new skill or two, and (sometimes) leave a boat show with a great deal.
New technology
In many ways, new technology like smartphones and GPS have made boating a safer, more enjoyable activity. You can try new things and visit new places without having to worry about whether or not you’ll be able to find your way back—and for adventurous boaters, that’s something to be thankful for!
Customization fun
Who doesn’t love decking their Monterey out in unique paint schemes, custom lettering for names, and other designs? Being able to customize your boat to match up with your personality is certainly something we enjoy.
Fido on board
Bringing man’s best friend on board is one of a boater’s greatest pleasures. As boaters, we love to be able to bring our pet on the water with us so they can appreciate the trip just as much as we do!
New destinations
We all love traveling to new destinations—and fortunately for boaters, there’s always something new to explore. Whether you’re cruising up the coast or to another area entirely, being able to explore new places is something we’re grateful for.
First day of the season
If you live in a cold weather climate, you probably stow your boat away for the winter—which makes opening it back up in the spring an extremely exciting activity! That first day on the water after months on land is a truly great feeling.
Entire days spent on the water
Like most boaters, you probably try to stay on the water as long as possible. When you’re able to spend an entire day, from sunrise to sunset, on the water, that’s an accomplishment worth sharing!
Passing down a love for boating
Finally, there are few things an experienced boater can do that are as rewarding as passing down the passion to the new generation. You may have learned to love boating at a young age, so it’s especially meaningful to be able to pass it down yourself.
Remember to share what you’re thankful for below! And of course, from everyone here at Monterey, we would like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving!

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