Ready, Set, Wear It: Life Jacket World Record Day

What if the entire world wore life jackets, every time they took to the water?
It’s a safety ideal groups like the National Safe Boating Council are working toward—and on Life Jacket World Record Day this May 20th, you can help do your part by donning your own!
Be a part of the group that breaks the record of 10,917 participants. See today’s blog to learn more about this fun record attempt (that’s as safe as it is simple to do!).
A record with purpose
Let’s face it—records are fun. There’s a good reason why entire communities are dedicated to efforts like making the world’s largest pancake (49 feet across), or amassing the biggest collection of rubber ducks (2,583).
The life jacket world record is a fun one, too—but it also comes with the added benefit of doing some good along the way!
The purpose of the event is to improve understanding and awareness of the vital role of life jackets—for boaters, water sport adventurers, and even our four-legged friends on the water. The life jacket is among the simplest and most visible means of boating safety, so this day is all about wearing yours, and teaching others how to do the same.
A look at past attempts
The “Ready, Set, Wear It!” campaign has been working to promote life jacket use since 2010. So—what kinds of strides have they made since then?
For one, nearly 40,000 participants have donned their life jackets throughout the event’s history, with 10,917 of them doing so in 2015 alone! As another sign of life jacket use spreading across the community—four-legged friends and all—even 59 pups took part in last year’s record attempt. Events have been held across the globe (possibly nearer to you than you think) to embrace the fun, meaningful spirit of the day.
How to participate
Wondering how to do your part this year? To get started, check with your local marina, boating educator, Coast Guard Auxiliary branch, or other group to see if they’re hosting any events you can take part in. Make sure you’re counted in the life jacket total, so that you can say you helped break a world record!
Even at home or on your own boat, there are great ways to mark the day. Even if you’re used to donning life jackets on every trip, now could be the perfect time to test them, make repairs or replacements, or teach a young boater about the importance of always wearing their jacket.
Personalize it… make it into a contest of who can get into their jacket quickest… when it comes to life jackets, no matter what you do, the important thing is simply to wear it!
This May 20th, help break a record and set a safe boating standard in the process. Unlike swimsuits, hats, and other on-the-water gear, the flashy orange of your life jacket never quite goes out of style.
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