The Gift of the Season: A Monterey Boat
We hope you’re having a terrific holiday season!
All of us have been new to boating at some point in our lives, so we’re all familiar with the feeling: you like the boating lifestyle, and you know you want one, but you’re just waiting for the right time. Well, the right time isn’t always easy to figure out, but we’re in the time of year when boat buying is nothing but a good decision!
Whether you want to surprise your family or just want to take up the sport yourself, buying a boat this winter is a smart move. You might be wondering why—after all, most of the country’s experiencing some pretty cold weather, and adventuring outside isn’t too high on our lists right now. But whether or not you’ll be able to use the boat, winter is still the time to buy.
At this time of year, many people are either huddled up inside or busy with gift buying and party planning. That means you’ll be dealing with a less hectic salesroom and possibly might be able to take advantage of lower end-of-year prices!
Buying during winter also saves you from the springtime shuffle for new boats. Get your boat now and store it in your garage or another facility—when April, May and the warmer months roll around, you’ll be ready to go.
In our experience—and our readers’!—a boat is the gift that quite literally keeps on giving. Think of all the adventures and experiences you’ll gain with your new Monterey as you think about gift-buying this year.

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