Our New Year’s Resolutions
We’re approaching the end of our year here at Monterey! As we jump into 2015, we’re putting together our resolutions for a great year, both in the water and out.
Spend more time with family and friends
Maybe in 2014 you spend a little more time than you’d like at the office, or on projects that your heart wasn’t really in. We know the importance of a good work ethic, but when you can, spend more time with the family, friends and people you love, whether it’s on the boat or at a backyard barbecue. Whatever way you do it, you’ll be making memories and making room for the more important things in life.
Work hard, play hard
Consider this resolution an add-on to the first—this one’s all about being productive when you are at work, so it’s easier to let loose and relax when you have free time.
Try new things
The tropical vacation you’ve been dreaming of, the sport you’ve been meaning to learn… maybe even taking up boating itself! Devote your time to trying new things in 2015.
When you’re with your family and friends, it’s time to wind down and relax. This year, make a conscious effort to de-stress, whether it’s by taking the boat out more often, working less hours, starting a travel log… whatever it is that lends to your tranquility.
Reach out
Lend your company to someone who could use it—whether this means working with a charity or reaching out to an old friend, look for ways to help others this year. Where will you be celebrating the New Year? Let us know in the comments… and have a great start to 2015!

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