Boating Destinations in Vivid Color

Boating Destinations in Vivid Color
Looking for a 2018 boating season resolution? Here’s a fun one: surround yourself with beautiful color!
With so many beautiful on‐the‐water vistas to explore, your Monterey and a thirst for adventure make this a resolution you’ll thoroughly love keeping. Read on to see a few of our favorite colorful destinations to get started.
Santorini, Greece
A popular feature of many a movie and landscape wall calendar, Santorini has surely earned its reputation. This coastal Greek destination is noted not only for delicious food and water views but a beauty that extends to the land itself. The crisp white buildings that are built into Mediterranean cliffs are delightfully minimal, which is a wise design choice—how can you compete with the natural allure of the ocean? There is, of course, one famous color “indulgence:” those bright blue, domed roofs that add a dash of color to the terrain. They expertly match the crisp blue of the water that just steps away, creating one of the world’s most alluring and immersive color experiences.
Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming
Yellowstone Lake is no doubt a popular spot for boaters and nature lovers, but it’s the lake’s inpark neighbor that really packs a color punch. The Grand Prismatic Spring here is the largest in the
country, and its beautiful rainbow‐esque coloring (the product of microbial mats around the edges of the water) cannot be missed, looking more like something out of a sci‐fi fantasy film than an
actual national park.
Mahana Beach, Hawaii
Hawaii is so thoroughly filled with beautifully‐colored vistas, that it almost seems like cheating to include it here. One perhaps lesser‐known beach offers a fresh display of color not often seen by tourists and beachgoers. Mahana Beach on the Big Island is smaller, nestled among rocky cliffs, and has one defining feature: vivid green sand!
It’s not a mistake, but an effect of the mineral makeup of the sand itself, which includes the silicate “olivine,” which—you guessed it—has a distinguished green color. It’s not easy to find an olivine beach just anywhere, of course!
Key West, Florida
Key West, Florida is another charmingly colorful destination. Here, the beautiful green trees and dazzlingly blue water provide an alluring color combo—but it doesn’t stop there. Many of the island’s famous coastal cottages are painted in bright pastel colors, reflective of the fun, laidback vacation atmosphere that abounds here. The cottages may be small… but what they lack in size, they more than makeup for in captivating color and charm.
Lake San Cristobal, Colorado
It only makes sense to include a Colorado spot on this list… after all, the state’s name literally means “colored red.” Lake San Cristobal, of course, comes in a bluer hue. Come summertime, the lake is one of the most vivid in the country, with rich sky‐blue water that effortlessly reflects the clouds and rolling green hills above it.
These destinations are beautiful, but they’re just the beginning! Search for splendid color displays close to home, too, and rediscover the natural beauty that abounds just outside your door.
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