5 Galley Essentials for your Monterey Boat

Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 1:25PM

You may not have a full kitchen on your powerboat… but with a cupboard, fridge and just a couple of dishes, you can enjoy a great party with friends or dinner on board. We’ve put together a few onboard essentials to have that no boat picnic or dinner would be complete without.

Small appliances: Depending on the model of your Monterey boat, you may have a good bit of counter space to work with (and, of course, outlets for whatever electric device you may bring along). Depending on the amount of eating and entertaining you may be doing, toting along a small appliance like a miniature crock pot or coffee maker can be smart if you’re spending lots of time on the water.

Coolies and Koozies: Coasters can slip and slide on a moving boat, so they’re not very practical for keeping your surfaces dry and ring-free… and they don’t do a great job of keeping your cold drinks cold! Think about bringing along Coolies and Koozies—the foam insulators that help your cans and bottles retain their chill while protecting the surfaces you place them on. We even sell these handy items in our Monterey Gear Store! Pick up several to stash away for whenever company comes on board.

Disposable dishes and cutlery: This tip often comes down to a matter of taste, but plastic or paper plates and cutlery are never a bad idea… especially when you’re planning on entertaining many guests in one sitting. Disposable ware can come in stylish designs, and can make post-meal cleanup easier and even safer (there’s no chance of glass or ceramics breaking on board!). Cleanup is still very important, however, and you’ll want to make sure you don’t leave napkins, plates, cups and other items where they can blow into the water.

Garbage bags: Like we just mentioned, cleaning up right after meals is even more important on the water than it is off. Wind, waves and the rocking or cruising of your Monterey can make it easier for your trash to blow into the water or onto land… and neither is a good situation! Keeping plenty of trash bags in a cupboard on board is a great way to combat potential accidental littering, and ask your passengers to place their trash inside of the bag over the course of the meal, not just after, as another way to prevent littering.

Even if you’re not planning on entertaining, having garbage bags on board for everyday trips is a smart way to keep your boat clear of the trash odds-and-ends that always manage to accumulate on board.

5 Galley Essentials for your Monterey Boat

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