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Chatham, Massachusetts: A Town Changed by Sharks Tue, Aug 12, 2014 In honor of Discovery Channel's Shark Week, which kicks off August 10th, we're taking a look at one town whose reputation has been changed by an increase in great white shark sightings-for the better! Read More

Fueling Up: Expect Lower Gas Prices This Fall
Fueling Up: Expect Lower Gas Prices This Fall Sun, Aug 10, 2014 We're no stranger to high summer fuel prices-last month saw the highest Fourth of July numbers since 2008-but boaters might be able to breathe a sigh of relief in the coming months. According to USA Today, this year's August 1st prices were the lowes... Read More

Living and Boating In The United States
Living and Boating In The United States Wed, Aug 06, 2014 We can't always decide where we live. Sure, the decision is ultimately ours, but sometimes work and other commitments end up dictating our homes for us. But if you could choose to live anywhere, we bet it would be a place with lots of sun, water, and... Read More

The Coast Guard: Celebrating the U.S. Naval Watchmen
The Coast Guard: Celebrating the U.S. Naval Watchmen Mon, Aug 04, 2014 Here at Monterey, we know how important the Coast Guard is to boaters everywhere. As a body, members rescue lost boaters, monitor foreign waters, investigate water pollution and screen our boats for vessel safety. In honor of Coast Guard Day on Augus... Read More

Lobster Diving: a Look at Florida's Two-Day Mini Season Fri, Jul 25, 2014 It's almost the end of July, which means Florida boaters and divers are that much closer to their time in the sun. The state's annual "mini" lobster season-a 48-hour diving extravaganza-kicks off July 30th. Keep reading to learn how this two-day free... Read More

A Cool Summertime Trip: Take your Monterey to San Francisco Bay Sat, Jul 19, 2014 Mark Twain is sometimes quoted as saying "the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." While we're not sure if the renowned Tom Sawyer author ever actually said that, we know that the words ring true-in the best possible way. San F... Read More

National Caviar Day: The Seafood Symbol of Wealth
National Caviar Day: The Seafood Symbol of Wealth Fri, Jul 18, 2014 Did you know July 18th is National Caviar Day in the United States? It's surely not as well-known as some of the summer's other special days, but we thought we'd celebrate anyway and take a look at the iconic seafood delicacy. Read More

A Cool Summertime Trip: Vancouver
A Cool Summertime Trip: Vancouver Mon, Jul 14, 2014 Summer is in full swing in North America and the temperatures are rising. If you're looking for a cool escape, look no further than Vancouver, British Columbia. Read More

There Is A Dolphin Near My Monterey Boat: The NOAA SMART Program Thu, Jul 10, 2014 Did you dream of having your own pet dolphin when you were younger-or at least getting to hang out with one? The 1960s TV show Flipper gave us a glimpse into what that might be like, and America fell in love with just how cute, smart, and seemingly h... Read More

A Texas-Sized Boating Expo Wed, Jul 09, 2014 Everything really is bigger in Texas, at least for the DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth) Boat Expo. The show, which is the largest boating event in North Texas, starts this Friday! Keep reading to find out what the show and the surrounding area have to offer b... Read More

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