Alligator Reef
Located southeast of Cheeca Rocks, Alligator Reef is another gorgeous sanctuary preservation area in the Florida Keys! The reef was named after the USS Alligator, a maritime ship that wrecked on the reef after encountering pirates in 1822. Alligator Reef connects the shallow portions of the Upper Keys to the deeper areas of the Middle Keys.
Check out this week’s photo blog to learn more about Alligator Reef and the types of marine animals you will find there! If you plan on visiting the reef, don’t forget to use a mooring buoy for the protection of the reef. Share your photos with us on our Monterey Boat’s Facebook!
Alligator Reef Lighthouse
Alligator Reef is marked by a lighthouse constructed in 1873.
Dolphin are often spotted playing and hanging out in the water around Alligator Reef.
Nurse Shark
The nurse shark is a nocturnal animal that can grow up to 14-feet in length!
Green Sea Turtle
Green sea turtles thrive in a coral reef environment! Their only predator besides human beings are larger, aggressive sharks.
Eagle Ray
The eagle ray feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, and plankton.
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