The Whale

Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 12:00AM

Join us today for a whale watching adventure! Whales are one of the most magnificent, intelligent and largest, if not the largest aquatic species living in our world’s oceans. Many of us have only had the opportunity to witness these amazing creatures in captivity but they are even more breathtaking in their natural environments!

Where are popular locations for spotting whales?

1) Oregon

Whale sightings in Oregon are so popular that the state has dedicated 2-weeks out of the year to the gray whale: Winter Whale Watching Week and Spring Whale Watching Week. Winter Whale Watching Week occurs from December 26th to December 30th while Spring Whale Watching Week occurs from March 23rd to March 30th. It’s common to see gray whales 5 miles off shore but some can be seen as close as 1 to 2 miles out. During the spring you’re likely to see mothers with their calves closer to shore hiding in the coves for protection.

2) Cape Cod, Massachusetts

The World Wildlife Fund named the waters around Cape Cod in Massachusetts as one of the top 10 whale-watching spots in the world. Whales likely to be spotted here are minke, finback, and the humpback whale.

3) West Cork, Ireland

West Cork, Ireland is another popular whale sighting location for blue, fin, and minke whales as well as over 20 other species! If you arrive in the late summer to early autumn, you’re likely to spot pods of fin whales accompanied by the minke whale!

Click through today’s photo blog to learn more about these stunning animals!

Have you spotted a whale from your Monterey Boat before? Tell us about it in our comments section or on our Facebook page!

The Whale
The Whale
The Whale
The Whale
The Whale
The Whale
The Whale
The Whale
The Whale
The Whale

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