National Fishing and Boating Week and Free Fishing Days
Summer’s here—and so is National Fishing and Boating Week! The annual event, which will take place from June 1 to June 8, celebrates the fun and stress relief that comes with a daylong fishing trip.
Are you a little rusty when it comes to fishing on the open water? Don’t worry! More than 90% of Americans live within an hour of a navigable body of water—practice and a relaxing day in the sun is just that far away.
To get started, take part in one of your state’s free fishing days! On these days (many of which are this week), anglers can fish in public bodies of water without having to have a fishing license first. Even if you already have a license, it’s a great opportunity to take out a friend for a fishing trip and show them the ropes.
Find your state’s days on the list from below:
Free Fishing Days |
6/7/14 |
Noon on 6/6/14 until midnight on 6/8/14 |
6/7/14 |
7/5/14 and 9/6/14 |
6/7/14 - 6/8/14 |
5/10/14 |
6/1/14 - 6/8/14 |
6/7/14 and 6/8/14 |
4/5/14 - 4/6/14; 6/14/14 - 6/15/14 (freshwater); |
6/7/14, 6/14/14 and 9/27/14 |
365 days a year (marine) |
6/6/14 - 6/8/14, Iowa residents only |
6/14/14 |
6/6/14 - 6/9/14 |
4/19/14, 5/17/14, 6/7/14 - 6/8/14, Indiana residents only |
6/7/14 and 6/8/14 |
6/7/14 and 6/8/14 |
6/7/14 - 6/8/14 |
2/15/14 and 2/16/14; 5/31/14 and 6/1/14 |
6/7/14, 6/14/14 and 7/4/14 |
6/7/14 - 6/8/14 |
2/15/14 and 2/16/14; 6/7/14 and 6/8/14 |
1/18/14 - 1/20/14 and 6/6/14 - 6/9/14 |
6/7/14 - 6/8/14 |
6/7/14 - 6/8/14; 7/4/14 |
6/14/14 - 6/15/14 |
7/4/14 |
6/7/146/7/14 - 6/8/14, North Dakota residents only |
5/17/14 |
6/7/14 |
6/14/14 and 6/15/14 |
6/7/14 |
6/28/14 and 6/29/14 |
6/14/14 |
5/3/14 - 5/4/14 |
6/7/14 - 6/8/14 |
6/7/14 and 6/8/14 |
5/26/14 and 7/4/14 |
5/3/14 and 5/4/14 |
5/26/14 and 7/4/14 |
5/16/14 - 5/18/14 |
6/7/14 |
6/7/14; free fishing every day in State Parks |
6/7/14 |
6/6/14 - 6/8/14 |
6/14/14 |
6/7/14 - 6/8/14 |
1/18/14 - 1/19/14 and 6/7/14 - 6/8/14 |
6/7/14 - 6/8/14 |
6/7/14 |

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