Fish Cleaning Techniques

Mon, Dec 09, 2013 at 12:00AM

Do you have lots of fresh catches left over from the weekend? Read our two-part blog series for the best cleaning tips from around the web. If you have your own tips and tricks for filleting fish, share them with us on our Facebook page or in our comment section of this blog.

Once you have reeled a fish in, place it immediately into a cooler with an ice and salt water mixture. This mixture will perfectly chill the fish while you finish fishing. It’s common for fillets to last 3 to 4 days longer when chilled on salt water and ice! In fact every hour you waste in putting a fish on ice results in one less day to eat them.

Fish filleting can be simple when you have the proper tools. We recommend keeping the following in your cleaning kit:

Working Table

An extra sharp fillet knife

A dull knife or spoon for scaling

A container for cleaned fish

A bucket or container for scales and leftover fish parts

Next up: Simple Tips for Fish Cleaning

Fish Cleaning Techniques

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