Around the World With Monterey Boats
Thu, Jan 19, 2012
at 12:00AM
Monterey Boats will continue coming to a town near you in January. We'll still be in Cleveland and Toronto, but we'll also be stretching out from Florida to Washington with a little side trip to Germany.
Here are the shows that start next week and what you can see there.
Austin Boat, Sport & Outdoor Show: Starting Thursday in the Texas Capital and running through Sunday, Jan. 22, the show will be in the Austin Convention Center. Our dealer, South Austin Marine, will be displaying Monterey models 204FSX, 224FSX, 264FS, M3, M5, 320SY and 328SS. There are several features at the boat show, including a kid's catfishing tank and Bubble Runners.
Minneapolis Boat Show: Our dealer, Anchors Aweigh of Lakeland, Minn., will be exhibiting the 224FS, 328SS and 320SY at Booth 1502A in the Minneapolis Convention Center on Thursday, Jan. 19, to Sunday, Jan. 22. This show, in its 40th year, also has events at a local marina and lots of stuff for kids, including a visit by SpongeBob SquarePants.
Richmond Fishing Show: In the Farm Bureau Center at the State Fairgrounds of Virginia, this show focuses on anglers, but has a lot of other events, too. Our dealer, James River Marine, will be displaying the 184FS, 204FS, 224FS, 244FS and 264FS models.
Boot Duesseldorf: Or Boat Dusseldorf for our English-speaking friends, will be from Saturday, Jan. 21, to Sunday, Jan. 29, at the Messegelaende Duesseldorf. Our German dealer, Europe Marine, will display the 184FS, 224FC, 224FS, 264FC and 295SCR. (Our model numbers are different in Europe.) The show features diving and has several interactive exhibits for the sport.
That's it for this week, but there's more ahead. Here's a quick list:
Hartford Boat and Fishing Show, Jan. 27-29, Hartford (Conn.) Convention Center
Oklahoma City Boat Show, Jan. 26-29, Oklahoma State Fair Park
Overland Park Boat Show: Jan. 26-29, Overland Park (Kan.) Convention Center
Seattle Boat Show, Jan. 27-Feb. 5, Qwest Field
Spokane National Boat Show, Jan. 28-Feb. 4, Spokane (Wash.) Fairgrounds
Jacksonville Boat Show, Jan. 28-30, Prime Osborne Center
Tulsa Boat Sport & Travel Show, Jan. 30-Feb. 5, QuikTrip Center at Expo Square
Pittsburg Boat Show (Monroeville, Penn.), Jan. 26-29, Monroeville Convention Center
And remember, you can always see all of Monterey Boats' models and more at
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